Hello Summer. Disfruta de un 30% de descuento en toda la colección por tiempo limitado. Envíos gratuitos. Ya disponible pago a plazos con Klarna.
Hello Summer. Disfruta de un 30% de descuento en toda la colección por tiempo limitado. Envíos gratuitos. Ya disponible pago a plazos con Klarna.

In the classics we find the breath of the immortal, of the imperishable. As in the portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni, by Domenico Ghirlandaio. An iron profile, almost neutral, frozen in the year 1448 in which it was painted. The same year in which the portrayed, a Florentine noblewoman, lost her life at the time of creating a new one.

Giovanna Tornabuoni de Domenico Ghirlandaio

In our lifetime, there are only two days with less than 24 hours. The day we are born and the day we die. We have fulfilled one, but we do not know what the next shortest day will be, our particular winter solstice. Therefore, let us live urgently. Let’s enjoy it without delay. Giovanna Tornabuoni, Giovanna degli Albizzi by her maiden name, would not forgive us otherwise.

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